We're so glad to have your support. Please read the below statement of support and sign-on here when your organization has decided to officially sign-on. We will follow up with you using the email or phone you provide to add a file of your logo onto the endorsements page!
"We, __[organization name]____, endorse “Inclusive Financing” also known as Tariffed On-Bill Financing (TOBF) as a critical energy and community wealth-building tool to bring to our local community and to communities across Minnesota. Many robust case studies in over 16 utilities and 6 states across the country using a Pay-As-You-Save Inclusive Financing model have proven not only the effectiveness of and interest in Inclusive Financing, but also the stark necessity for it. The 2019 Minnesota-specific study on Inclusive Financing shows clearly it can work here in our state.
This tool marks a key shift for energy efficiency programs from asking potential participants: "do you have money?" to the more central question: "does the place you live need energy upgrades for you to be safe, less cost-burdened, and comfortable at home?" No resident, landlord, or small business is asked to pay upfront or provide a credit score to receive energy from a coal plant, now one of the most costly resources on our pocketbooks and health. So why should community members have to bear a financial burden of proof in order to use less energy, be safer at home, or contribute to local clean energy production?
We urge local leaders, our energy utilities, and state regulatory departments to waste no more time in adopting this essential tool for climate action and equitable community wealth-building.
The governing board of
[organization name]"